Monday, 26 March 2012

Butterfly art and Tessellations

Two weeks ago we made butterfly art with our hands first we painted patterns in our hands then we pressed our hands on a piece of paper four times after we finished the wings we painted the body of the butterfly then we put textures on this is what our hand looked like (up top)this is the finished pictures plus our tessellation :) (Under the top three photos )

Micky :)

Alpaca Competition!

My family own the cheese barn just down the road from Matatoki School, two weeks ago a baby Alpaca was born at the cheese barn. We decided to have an Alpaca naming competition. We had lots of entries, but only one person can win!The winner was a little girl called Zoe, she was from Matatoki School. The name she chose was PONCHO!

By Holly

Life Cycle

In class we have been learning about the Life Cycles of different animals. Here are our diagrams and an interesting fact about our animal.

A Hyena laughs like a person- Ethan.

 Axolotls have no eye lids -Sebastian
 The Angel Fish gets special spots on its belly as it grows older- Holly.
 The Pygmy Marmoset is the smallest monkey in the world-Holly
 The lemur have 6 sharp teeth sticking out of their bottom jaw -Aria.
 The cheetah is the fastest animal in the world Matt.
 The stripes of the tiger blends in to the jungle floor- Slade
 If a Tarantula bites a human its more like a bee sting then a spider bite- Sam.
Colossal squad have claws on their tenticals Kyron.
The lynx is heavily hunted- Bree.

The Hunger Games

In class we have be reading a book " The Hunger Games" written by Suzanne Collins. Tomorrow night we are going as a class to watch the movie. Is a very creative, thrilling book and every chapter leaves you in suspense, and the whole class screaming to read more! I would definitely recommend to all.

By Bryanna

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Trolley Derby Day

Grey Power was successful in some ways, because Grey Power bought back to school  the Jack Wells trophy for the best homemade trolley and prizes for its team.Cam,(head of design) said "It was a good project to do during morning/afternoon interval,for something to do and it also gave us a goal which had to be completed within a certain time frame to  have it done by 10th of March.Cameron head of design, Matt and Kyron co workers and our painters we all had a great success in building the trolley, it really was great.Our number plate really stood out and it was ND 4 SPD.   

White Cluster Swimming Sports

On week six, Monday we had the whitecluster swimming sports. All the people who had done well enough in the school swimming sports were qualified to go to the white cluster.It was held at the Thames Centennial Pool. Jade, Amber, Aria and Bryanna all went and Jade and Bryanna qualified for Thames Valley White Cluster which is even better! FUTURE OLYMPIANS!!! :-)

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Trolley project

Three of  room threes students  (Cam,Matt and Kyron) have been working on a trolley for the Thames trolley derby for the past few weeks. We have decided to name it Grey Power. It has a spring loader break and a cup holder for some coke. It is painted titanium grey and has a aluminum silver stripe down the middle of the trolley.

It is a shiny DEMON!!!

By Cam and Matt

p.s. A big thanks to our teacher and jenny 

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Matatoki School Triathlon

On Thursday the 1st March we had our Matatoki School Triathlon. The seniors went first and had to do eight laps of the school pool, then bike down Matatoki Road for 4km and then run down Matatoki Road for 1.5km. The middle and junior rooms followed after the seniors had all finished. We were lucky that it didn't rain. Everyone from Room Three took part in the Triathlon which was great!! Here are some photos :)

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Fear Factor Room 3

Today we had fear factor it was fun : )

first we didn't know what we were going to eat first we had
Green Capsicum (yuck)
Canned Lychees (yum)
Little Marshmallows (sweet)
Small Lemons (sour)
Sliced Jalapenos (HOT!!!! AAAAAHHHHHH)
Smelly Capers (awful)
Chocolate Fish (Yummy)
White Tofu (rubbery)
Banana juice (Nice)

The Jalapenos were so Hot we could still taste them at the banana juice ha ha ha :)

By Micky