Monday, 18 June 2012

Snap Shots from Term Two

Holly Term 2

This term we have been doing some really cool stuff we had a pj day, we had to wear our pj's toi school and bring our favourite book to school.We also got to read to by people from the community we got read to by an army man and a police man.We have also been doing some folk taels about how animals got special features. In our class room we have been writing reports about Moriori and how they came to live on Rekohu ( Chatham Islands).We have also got new dogeballs and computers. 

Slade Term 2

This term we stared doing lunch orders to raise money for our Room Three camp this year. We have different orders each week. So far we have had pies, pizza, juicees, cookies, nachoes, sausages and hotdogs and they only cost a couple of dollars. We have got new dodge balls and they are really cool because the other ones used to really hurt but the ones we have now are way better because they do not hurt.

Kyron Term 2

In class we have been learning about the Moriori and how they were first people to live in The Chatham Islands. The Moriori called The Chatham Islands- Rekohu. We have also got some new dodge balls which dont hurt as much as the other ones because they are soft and hard like the other ones. We have also been getting lunch orders so far we have had pies,cookies,juices, sausages and hotdogs.


Matt Term 2

Lately Room 3 have been doing lunch orders for there camp fundraiser this week for lunch orders we are having American hotdogs, biscuits and juicees. We also just got 16 new net books they are the same as a lap top but much smaller and Room 3 shares them with Room 2 we all have buddies. A man said to our principal what do you want and he gave us net books because a while ago Mrs Tanner and some kids won this competition and we got what we wanted. We also had a Pyjama day and we had to wear our PJ's to school and people would read us stories that we have chosen for them or they bought their own. Room 3 also got some new pink bouncy dodge balls they are very easy to throw and they don't hurt when you get hit. It only hurts if you get hit in the face I have experienced getting hit in the face. 

Bryanna TERM 2

Bryanna TERM 2

In Term 2 I have enjoyed doing pieces of art that we have been doing in Room 3 such as our Animal Life Cycle diagrams, A New Zealand/ Kiwiana poster, Colouful Tessellations, Silhouette/Sunset art and loads more.

We have also been generously gifted with 16 brand new wireless Netbooks which we have been enjoying and they are very useful to use for educational programmes and we are able to aceess them at our desks, very cool !

In writing we have been doing a report about Moriori which was very interesting, and Emotion and Colour poems which they all turned out amazing.

In maths we have been learning about Statistics, Probiblity & Likelihood. Also for our measurement unit, we did circumference, radius and area of circles and Peremiter and Area of regular and inregular shapes. We have learned a whole lot in maths! We also have been doing tests in which 100% of students who sat the test achived at or above in National Standards.

We have been learning and doing loads in Term 2, it has been very fun and I am looking foward to Term 3 which should be just as good (:

By Bryanna


Room Three Update

In Room Three we now have 10 brand new Dodge Balls for us to use when we have fitness

We have just finished learning about measurement, statistics and probability. We are about to start a block of Co-ordinates.

Last Week we went to the Matai Whetu marae and saw the Kohanga Reo do a mini haka it was so CUTE. We learnt about the Maori culture and history and about how the marae came to be.

We have started to have lunch orders and we have made some money for the room three camp it will be awesome.

In art we have made sunset silhouetts that are avalible for viewing in goldfields mall in Thames. They look good.

In class we have been learning about current events on and thats how we find stuff for our current event work.

By Micky