Sunday 18 December 2011

Lake Whakamaru Christian Camp Overview

On the 13th of December 2011 Room 3, Matatoki School went camping at Lake Whakamaru Christian Camp.
There were four dorms that the children slept in but the adults all got separate cabins! :-( 
In Dorm One was Brooke, Lily and Sam. In Dorm Two was Bryanna, Mikayla, Jaimee and Tayla. 
In Dorm Two was Sebastian, Kyron, Brayden, Matt, Ethan and Cameron. In Dorm Four was Ricky, Harry, Micky and Josh. The reason all the adults got separate cabins was because we were the only school there!
There was a friendly staff of five and they supplied us with food, activities and a great time!
I think that everyone who went had an awesome time and have had great new experiences!

By Sebastian

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