Monday 18 June 2012

Matt Term 2

Lately Room 3 have been doing lunch orders for there camp fundraiser this week for lunch orders we are having American hotdogs, biscuits and juicees. We also just got 16 new net books they are the same as a lap top but much smaller and Room 3 shares them with Room 2 we all have buddies. A man said to our principal what do you want and he gave us net books because a while ago Mrs Tanner and some kids won this competition and we got what we wanted. We also had a Pyjama day and we had to wear our PJ's to school and people would read us stories that we have chosen for them or they bought their own. Room 3 also got some new pink bouncy dodge balls they are very easy to throw and they don't hurt when you get hit. It only hurts if you get hit in the face I have experienced getting hit in the face. 

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